Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Net neutrality is the fundamental of universal behavior and removal of any kind of discrimination based on content, information or data source, user or networking protocol. It is drawing a line for all data provider that they cannot charge any extra cost, or devalue the position of any specific sources or create any kind of hurdle between a user and data source. It is also embarking the control or restriction on reaches of any data or content by authorized bodies. It is theoretical establishing the availability of the internet to all regardless of their use, infrastructure or protocol.
Fundamental elucidation of net neutrality and the root cause of its demand
Monopoly ruling:  The monopolistic coverage of certain company across the globe is the main hurdle in the path of net neutrality. Few companies have full control over the internet in the larger part of the world, and they do not want to lose their crown as well as want to make some extra bucks by charging additional amount on some specific information source or pushing certain data source into market throw free accessibility.
Freedom of expression: Companies, organization, and states are creating a blockage in net neutrality to suppress the freedom to criticize, and questioning.Net neutrality is facilitating common people to reach on any kind of information. Hence it is breaking the propaganda of an absolute monopoly.
Universal economic development:  Net neutrality give ordinary user optimum choice and support to choose any web content and web browser. It may decrease the profit of certain companies but boosts the income of the common business person and ordinary people.
Universal access to all devices: Net neutrality promotes the availability of internet on every device regardless of their kind and genre. This will encourage the use of different type of tools and computer on any network protocol.
Cyber surveillance: In these day network providing companies demoralizing the personal security and by blocking VPN and in this way get full access to your traffic control. Net Neutrality is promoting the privacy of an individual by supporting the use of security arrangement like VPN.
Universal pricing: Net neutrality focus on the natural and smooth access to information on the internet with investing any extra amount. Many companies are charging extra money to reach on specific kind of information.
Bandwidth management:  Networking companies are managing their bandwidth by blocking specific web content and charging the extra cost to exceed the limit of the network. Net neutrality is attacking such kind of activity and enforcing the universal reach on every type of content on the internet.
Limitation of knowledge:  Companies and organizations know that internet is the ocean of information. It can change the mindset up and enhance the limited understanding of an individual. They want to limit the sources of information or pushing the specific kind of information by imposing a particular web browser, search engines, and web contentment. Net neutrality is defragmenting the section of information sources and tries to ensure the universal availability of the internet. Hence increase the knowledge of ordinary people and give them a path of self-decision and determination without any prejudice and bias.
Enne Garcia is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. she writes for Norton security products at norton.com/setup

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