Niantic is introducing new Raid Battles and Limited Research events on a weekly basis, and Pokemon GO is all set to feature a cute gen three monster with a Limited Research event.
Similar to the Community Day event, trainers will have three hours to accomplish this Limited Time event. This February 23rd player will get the first glimpse of Clamperl, which is a cute water type monster.
Trainers will have to spin the photo discs at the PokeStops, which would assign trainers with special field research tasks during the Limited Time event.
Various another water type Pokemon like Krabby and Wailmer would also spawn often during the event and trainers will have an excellent opportunity of receiving double the amount of Stardust for every additional water-type Pokemon they successfully catch.
Mainly trainers can complete the Field Research task at any point in time, even after the Limited time event ends. But the Field Research tasks will be assigned only during the event hours, so players should make sure to receive the tasks during the designated time.
Players who complete these tasks will get a chance to catch Clamperl a generation 3 water type Pokemon which has a hard shell to protect it from any significant threat. This Pokemon can prove to be a great addition to any trainer’s team.
Clamperl is one of the few generations three Pokemon, which have not been included in the Pokemon GO title. This cute little monster can be evolved to Huntrail or Gorebyss depending on what item it is holding while trading it.
Still, Niantic has not stated any specific evolution type for this Pokemon, and instead, they suggested that the evolution for this Pokemon would be completely random and players will not get to know about which form it will take until it is evolved.
If you are a dedicated Pokemon trainer and you are looking forward to “Catch Them All!”, then try to grab on to as many Clamperl as possible to make sure that you get both the evolutions for this Pokemon and register both of them in your Pokedex.
Also currently players are indulged with the ongoing Meltan Event, through which players can grab onto a shiny Meltan until the March 4 by opening up a Mystery Box. Also, the time for re-opening of the Mystery Box is also reduced to three days which allows players to have plenty of opportunities to receive a shiny Meltan.
Let’s see what more is under ways for Pokemon trainers to enjoy as Niantic is coming up with new and old Pokemon for players to experience the title.
Enne Garcia is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. She writes for Norton security products at
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